Welcome to United Faith Missionary Baptist Church.

We Want To See Christian Growth In Your Home


Join United Faith Missionary Baptist Church for an enriching Sunday morning experience with Bishop Dr. Reginald J. Saffo, PhD, as he leads our live telephone Sunday worship service. Engage in a conscious elevating experience that transcends distance, promoting unity and spiritual growth. We look forward to worshiping together with you on Sunday mornings at United Faith Missionary Baptist Church. God bless you.


Sunday 10:30 a.m. CST





Bishop Saffo

An inspiring portrait of Bishop Saffo, adorned in a tasteful suit and tie. Radiating grace and wisdom, he wears tinted glasses, a handkerchief, and a symbolic pin on his suit collar. A distinguished expression, harmonizing faith, professionalism, and a touch of divine elegance.

Bishop Dr. Reginald J. Saffo, PhD, has served as the Pastor and Administrator of the United Faith Missionary Baptist Church for over 20 years. Bishop Saffo serves as a model of hard work, integrity, and dedication for the church and the community. He has served as a faithful advocate for God's people and the communities in which they live. Bishop Saffo is the Founder and Chancellor of the United Faith Christian Institute and Bible College.